To create campaigns of experiments using the 6G-LoRaGRAN platform, please follow these steps:
Register on the 6G-LoRaGRAN platform.
2. In the 'Experiment' menu,
create an experiment by booking a time slot (related to UTC) for
integrating our LoRaWAN testbed with a specific 6G-SANDBOX pilot site.
3. In the 'Traffic pattern' menu,
establish traffic patterns for devices.
4. In the 'Network slice' menu,
configure network slices for devices.
5. In the 'Devices' menu,
assign traffic patterns and network slices to specific devices
within a given experiment.
6. In the 'Gateways' menu,
enable or disable specific
gateways (individually or by
location) for a given experiment.
7. In the 'ChirpStack' menu, view the LoRaWAN network configuration and
observe LoRaWAN
traffic in the backend (ChirpStack platform).
8. In the 'API MQTT' menu,
subscribe to LoRaWAN traffic at the application server (i.e.,
deciphered) or view the latest frames, including radio conditions and transmission parameters.
9. In the 'API REST' menu, request the
status and configuration of the Experiment Manager and
modify its parameters
in real-time (e.g., channel assignment to LoRaWAN slices).
For more information, you can download
Deliverable D3.1 from
here, which includes the user
manual of
the platform.